Rooster attacked by opossum


Jan 4, 2020
I have a rooster that got attacked by a opossum two days ago. He was unable to stand and his leg is bent backward. He can still move both leg and wing on his right side but you can tell it’s not right and maybe broken or sprain. He is alert, eating, and drinking very well. His puncture wound was hardly anything. Couldn’t even tell if it was from the opossum or jabbed by something in the barn. That seams to be healing. However, his skin under both wings and his right leg side are very blue green color. I have read this could be a bruise. His skin is warm to touch and he he still moving all extremities but just can’t stand on his own. Can anyone tell me if this is bruising, will he be able to heal from a leg that wants to stay bent back? I’ve tried putting him in a sling but he does not like it and gets himself all tangled. I just may not be doing right. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks!
Be easier to see a problem if you could help him stand or show him in that way
and Welcome to Backyard Chickens
It does look bruised, warmth could indicate infection too. What does his leg look like?
It’s really hard to explain it. I’ll need to get someone to help with pictures. His leg wants to go back. I don’t see or feel a fracture on the lower part of the leg. I wonder if it is a break or falling out of socket at the hip joint?

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