Rooster attacking !


5 Years
Nov 21, 2015
I got a black leghorn male thats like 8 months old now. Few days back he started attacking everyone at home (even my parents )except me . He was alaways dominant in the whole flock and used to protect the flock but this is insane. It is becoming impossible to keep him. Any suggestions or advices are welcomed . Thanks !
Cull him... It doesn't get better, only worse. I'm sorry.
I have to disagree on this. For me, its not true. It can get better, but it depends on how much patience you have with him...

I got a black leghorn male thats like 8 months old now. Few days back he started attacking everyone at home (even my parents )except me . He was alaways dominant in the whole flock and used to protect the flock but this is insane. It is becoming impossible to keep him. Any suggestions or advices are welcomed . Thanks !
Your rooster is still young. chances are hes going through a hormone phase.... his hormones are gearing up for breeding season . I have explained in a lot of depth to people on BYC when it comes to roosters being human aggressive etc. But honestly, im being lazy right now, so i'll gather some info for you of the internet and post it here

Before i go on..please give him a chance. A lot of people are never really fully educated about roosters, so one little attack will usually send them to the crop-pot. There are reasons for attacking roosters, if you learn more about why they attack, and if you work around it, and if you educate yourself on roosters, it can work. I know what im talking about, trust me, i have over 9 roosters.

Here we go.
Why Roosters Attack

It’s just a fact about chickens, in the flock, there is a strict pecking order. If you keep more than one rooster in the same flock, they will challenge each other to establish dominance. These challenges can escalate even to death if there is no intervention.
With the pecking order established, you become a trespasser when you enter the flock. He feels the need to let you know he’s the boss and challenge you to establish the fact.
Even if you hand raise them, like I do, some breeds will still show aggressive behavior. I was taught and had experienced to be true, that roosters who were raised together would not fight because they had long ago established their order. A few years ago, I had a couple of roosters from the same hatching and the same hen. They decided to fight it out. I was shocked. Just know that while it’s not the norm, it is something to keep in mind.
In the rooster world, he who runs away, walks away, or hides is the loser, these are his acts of surrender.
Taming Aggressive Rooster Behavior
Teaching your aggressive rooster you don’t want his job, but you are the boss of him is the goal. When the rooster attacks by charging you, raise your arms and move them around, I flap mine. This makes you look fierce and even larger to him. Take a few steps or even run toward him. DO NOT walk away from him or turn your back to him until he has surrendered to you. The process may take a little while, but be patient.
Be prepared to stand and stare at him, but don’t walk away. You may even have to chase him. You’ll know when he submits to you by his behaviors. He may start pecking the ground, avoiding eye contact with you by looking around or even walk away. Once you see these behaviors you can walk away and join your other backyard chickens.

Depending on the level of his aggression, age, and breed, you may have to repeat the challenge several times until he stops challenging you. You may have a rooster who’s learned to use his spurs. In this case, you may have to strike him with your boot, bucket, or a branch. We’ve only had one rooster we had to do this with in 30+ years.

Until your aggressive rooster is tame, you should keep yourself safe. Even if he hasn’t hurt you, just being prepared will relax you and make your energy more confident. When you’re out, wearing knee high rubber boots will help protect your legs. I also keep the handle of an old post hole digger in the tongue of the chicken tractor. It’s handy for snakes, roosters, or anything like that. I must say that I haven’t used it for a rooster attack in years.
Once your dominance is established, he’ll respect you. It may be that every once in a while you have to remind him of your place in the backyard chicken flock, but it’s easily done with a stomp and a stare. He’s the one taking care of the girls all day and he just wants you to know they’re his. He will learn you’re not after his job and quit bothering about you.
Do you have an aggressive rooster? These are tried and true tactics that will work. You just have to be consistent and patient.


Another websites information..

It’s not hard to desensitize an aggressive rooster. The first step is to desensitize yourself. Look deep into my eyes: You’re not a chicken. Rooster rules don’t apply to you, and this means that you are free to act in an un-rooster-like manner. You have options, and the most important option is to reject the roles that others project onto you.
I use only three techniques for desensitizing aggressive roosters:
1. Never fight them. If they attack me, I withdraw slowly, without fighting back. This is not difficult. Roosters aren’t very dangerous and this isn’t a life-or-death struggle. A chicken can’t force you to do anything; the choices are all yours.
2. Don’t scare them. Don’t walk directly towards them as if you’re going to run them down. If you watch the roosters, you’ll notice that their behavior changes before they attack. They do a little dance and give other signals that they’re feeling threatened. Don’t trigger this behavior. If you do, back off a little and they’ll forget all about you.
3. Feed them handfuls of grain. Roosters know that other roosters don’t double as feed dispensers, so when they associate you with food, it’s hard for them to think of you as a fellow rooster.
You’ll be amazed at how quickly these techniques work, how much better you feel about your chickens, and how much more confidence and control you’ve achieved. By observing your chickens’ behavior but not participating in it, you can give them what they really need, not what they think they want.


If you want to check out the two websites i used they are here:

Apologizes for such a long post, but i want to make sure that i can help out the best i can. May i let you know..Rule number one with roosters, never ever let him push you around, YOU are the alpha, so DONT ever act in a rooster like manner to him----that will make him want to attack if hes never had other roosters in the flock.

Best of luck
, i hope things work out

Some rude cockerels can be reformed, and I've tried with several possible 'keepers' over the years. ONE of them was smart enough to change his attitude! He unfortunately was killed that fall, so I never saw his adult behavior the following year. In general, idiot birds who attack the giants who bring food daily are only good in the crock pot, and if small children are present, there should be zero tolerance for such behavior. When he's stalking you, he's not looking out for hawks or other real threats, or taking care of his flock as he should. The game bird people have produced cocks who will kill each other, but be fine with humans. It's separate behavior genetically, so shouldn't reproduce in the farm flock. Mary
I agree with some of the things other posters have said......But not with all......

An aggressive Cockerel might calm as he matures?? Chances are high he will only get more determined to keep you from his ladies....Roosters have two things on their minds....Protect at all costs and Breed....

This is your call......Lock him up till he fully matures or Cull him?

Everybody thank you for all your input . I hand raised each one of them , they are with me from the day they were born , so cant give up on them at all :)
Everybody thank you for all your input . I hand raised each one of them , they are with me from the day they were born , so cant give up on them at all
'Hand raising' might be part of the problem.
As well as 'each one of them' .....multiple males can create an environment of competition making all males behave more aggressively.

......and you say they are attacking all humans but you......managing males has a lot to do with human behaviors and attitudes.
It's the humans that need training more than the birds.

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