Rooster Behavior so cute.. I Think 🤔

Jun 8, 2020
Rio Linda, California
Well... My 19 week old Rooster Happy was being extremely aggressive with the pullets a couple of weeks ago only having 3 hens his age. Then he started to be aggressive towards me. We have 4 more 13.5 week old pullets we’ve integrated with the hens and will integrate with him once they are 16 weeks old or laying eggs. We put him and his brother Dix into a bachelor pad this last week. To give the girls a break and allow the integration of the girls without the boys causing so much stress...

This last week 2 of my RI laid their first egg. Wednesday I got the first one so cute small, perfect shape, no blemishes, clean and in the nest box 😊. I was so proud..Nothing Thursday, Friday 2 eggs 2 different nest boxes Small and perfect.. Happy was going crazy in the bachelor pen when he would here the hens... After 4 days he looked soo sad and whooped. He mellowed out and Was the good boy again. 😘. So I Penned the youngsters up for today in the integration pen (for their protection) decided to let him mingle with the girls again and Dix (they all grew up together). I dressed the girls in their saddles, and opened the door. Happy immediately dominated 2 of the hens, but gently this time.. quickly and not brutal like before. He even let Dix dominate the 3rd and it was all over in a couple of minutes. We watched them for an hour. The girls followed Happy around, Dix too one happy flock again 🤷‍♀️. Happy for the first time did his mating dance it was soo cute. Before he would just chase attack and feathers flying. Then he sung a song which I never heard him do before.. it was so pretty... The hen didn’t bow no mating happened. But he began To bring the girls treats.

Then he went into the coop and began what looked like remodeling.. we saw straw falling out of the doors and him making a strange sounds... I went to peak to see what he was doing and he was fixing up the nesting boxes 😌. We had golf balls in them. He clawed out the golf ball in the nesting box, then with his beak pushed it out the small door and it bounced down the ladder. My hubby was watching from his chair. I was amazed at him. I went outside the run and sat with my hubby. Happy then herded the girls into coop but the girls kept going in and out. We left and checked back later and there was one egg. We gathered the egg. About 20 minutes later we took some watermelon out for all of them and we saw Happy in the coop making strange noises alone. The girls were eating and ranging around. I peaked in to see what he was doing. He was going in and out each nest box, I swear like he was looking for the egg??? I ran out and told my hubby!!!
Is this normal behavior for a Rooster? Will they be this involved or in tune with all of this? It almost broke my heart feeling like I had stolen his baby 😞. The rest of the day he continued to be so good to the hens and even Dix?? He did warn Dix a couple of times when Dix wanted to do more than “hang out“ with girls.. LOL. My hubby said “Happy let him get a little bit earlier but that’s it.. no more”. LOL. It all went so good today.

I want to separate and put the roosters back into the bachelor pen tonight and a couple of days to give the girls a break. I was hoping by letting them hang out a little for a day a couple times over the next 3 weeks while the youngsters mature a little more, will keep them interested and integrated??? Or am I just messIng things up? your advice, wisdom And insight to Happys behavior, greatly appreciated.
The older you cockerel get the more they should mature, and improve in behaviors. The aggression towards you may or may not go away.

It is normal for roosters to find nesting spots for the hens. They don't all do it, but many do, especially when younger.

A good rooster is polite, and he looks out for the pullets. A good rooster is an asset to a flock.
Thank you. He seems like a good rooster. He knows his job. No aggression today at all. I hated putt him pack into the bachelor pad for the night. But still working on integrating the females at night. It’s been slow... the RI keep pecking at the youngsters. I read here to close the nesting boxes back up at night to keep the youngens from hiding and sleeping in them. 😊. Just hoping 3 more weeks and I can let Happy keep the girls in line. 😎
If you've got to put saddles on the hens then they are either being overmated or you are being over protective.

I think you need to rehome one of your roosters. Having 2 in such a small flock will eventually lead to disaster.
Over protective for sure. 😊. We got 13 more pullets and separated the Roosters to their Bachelor pads. I think both are worth keeping. Once the 13 are if age the flock will be 20 hens and 2 roosters. Hopefully all 13 are pullets and not any more Roosters... 🤞

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