Rooster Behavior


In the Brooder
6 Years
Aug 26, 2013
Hawkins, Texas
So about a month ago I got a rooster. So far so good. Stays with the girls, protects them, does everything I think a good rooster should do. One question though. They have free access to lay pellets all day, as well as full free range. Once a day I go out and spread a little (but enough for all of them) hen scratch. All the hens go berserk, and that's where my question comes in. The rooster will crow and crow and the stragglers will come in to eat, but he will start to peck at certain ones and run them off to a different part of the feeding line (I lay the feed in a line). Is this his way of keeping control?
Thanks so much! He doesnt draw blood ever, and doesnt hunt them down after he pecks them. Just seems a little odd cause I though he would want them to eat. But as stated, I will probably never understand. I don't have feathers and a beak lol.

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