Rooster bleeding out of neck


Professional Chicken Chaser
Jul 18, 2023
The Keystone State
Hello everyone and good evening!! šŸ˜Š
I went out to put my chickens away this evening and I was counting them and noticed that my new little rooster Bucky - he is a Golden Comet rooster - and he is about 5 - 6 months old. Not very old and he is bleeding a great deal out of the middle of his neck. It still hasn't stopped and the cut looks like it could have happened during the evening hours. I was home and in and out of the house - giving them table scraps and checking on them and I didn't see any predators. My two older roosters, Buddy and Diego are beating on him pretty good and they could have possibly been fighting and got him with there beak or spur. I keep everything picked up - like sharp things - such as sharp ends of chicken wire and metal etc...
I am leaning toward fighting and he is cut really bad so what do I do??? Anyway to make the bleeding stop??
I really don't want to butcher him, and if there is anyway of helping him I will. It is really cold here right now and I don't really want the cold to make it worse.
Thanks for the information and help!!
How long have you had the little rooster?
Is bringing him to a vet an option?

Depending how bad the wound is, I would disinfect the wound and put blukote on it if you can find it. I usually have to go with betadine and vet wrap as thereā€™s no blukote available to me.

Ideally, youā€™d separate them at least until it is healed. Can you keep the new roo in a separate space where they can see but not touch each other?
He hatched in my incubator and have had him ever since he was a chick - I don't have any vets around me that will take chickens - I did separate him and he is in a small closed off space in the chicken coop - the space that I keep my young chicks when I have babies.
What do you have in your first aid kit? Can you boil a quart of water, let it cool and add 2 teaspoons of salt to make a sterile saline solution to wash the wound with? Pour a little into a separate small cup to use for washing the wound to keep the quart of saline pure.

Do you have triple antibiotic ointment like Neosporin?
Update: Bucky is doing much better and his cut looks good. He cleaned all the blood off his feathers and everything and is doing really well. No unnormal behavior and the other roosters are leaving him alone - even when he is in his cage. I think I will let him back free ranging with his flock sometime tomorrow.

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