Rooster, free to good home.


12 Years
Feb 5, 2007
I bought this guy when he was only 4 months old for pest control. He did a fine job. Problem is, I just graduated college and will be moving out of my current residence and I can't bring my bird with me. He is a game breed, but he was my pet and I never once fought him. He did kill a rat once though. His breed is a Jerezano Postiza.

Here's a picture of him.

I'm willing to ship in the US. Not too sure on the shipping regulations, but I'll pay for it just to get him somewhere where he will be taken care of.

I'm in Daytona Beach, FL.

Here's some pictures of him hanging out on my shower curtain railing.



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Can you give me some details about your farm. I know it sounds weird, but he is my pet and I just want what's best for him. I also want assurance that he wont be used for fighting.

I'm willing to ship. I just need some details about the best way to do it. Basically I need to know where I can get an appropriate shipping container to ship him. I've looked over for details, but I didn't really find anything helpful.
I need to find a place where I can buy one of those shipping boxes and as long as you can promise me you won't fight him, he's as good as yours.

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