I have to agree with the others .. my boys know I'm not a threat to the flock and have never shown any aggression towards me when I'm interacting with one of the girls. I also treat my boys indifferently for the most part. I talk to them because I like to, but I don't ever hold them, encourage them to be in my lap or on me. I purposely walk through and make them move out of my way. I want them to know, I am top of the pecking order and not a threat.
I'm sorry, I have no tips on how to change the genetic traits of roosters that have served the species well for millions of years.
While some people like to have lap chickens, they are not lap dogs and are best left to do their job.
Roosters' #1 job is protection of the flock. That requires a rooster to be with and watch over the flock so they can forage in relative peace while he keeps a watchful eye for threats.
Additionally, his other jobs are making eggs fertile, finding food for the flock and settling disputes.
The more you allow them to perform those tasks unfettered, the happier the flock and you will be.
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I have to agree with the others .. my boys know I'm not a threat to the flock and have never shown any aggression towards me when I'm interacting with one of the girls. I also treat my boys indifferently for the most part. I talk to them because I like to, but I don't ever hold them, encourage them to be in my lap or on me. I purposely walk through and make them move out of my way. I want them to know, I am top of the pecking order and not a threat.
I have 5 Buff Orpingtons; 4 of them pullets. They just turned 4 months old yesterday, & I'm seeing a few darker tail feathers on 2 of the pullets; maybe a medium brown. Is this common? Will they likely go away with the first molt? These are the first BO's I've had, & I'm really liking them, so far. The rooster is a bit feisty; always has been. He'll peck pretty hard if he gets the chance (which most times is when I'm not uncapping the feed tube quick enough to suit him), which always results in his getting cuffed upside of the noggin, but, so far, he's respected my space.
Oh okay. Sorry if I offended anybody. Some people sounded kind of upset. I was just asking since he likes to be held and will fall asleep right in your hands, but over the last couple of days he’s gotten a bit upset. He seemed much better today though and snuggled up with me again.

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