Rooster Gout Topical Cream?

Could you post pics of the follicle cysts and the sores on the back of her hocks please? I'd like to compare them with my rooster and see if they're similar. Thanks.

Could you post pics of the follicle cysts and the sores on the back of her hocks please? I'd like to compare them with my rooster and see if they're similar. Thanks.
Follicle cysts on legs
Could you post pics of the follicle cysts and the sores on the back of her hocks please? I'd like to compare them with my rooster and see if they're similar. Thanks.
Feather follicle cysts on legs seem to be improving with the cbd salve. Been putting it on them all twice daily for the last 10 days and they are definitely dying off but can take up to 1 month according to CBD Dog Health. Full-spectrum salve advised for cysts and tumours occurring on the skin/exterior. I am wondering if all the issues-the legs, feet, hocks are interconnected. She is getting oral cbd drops also 3 times daily.

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