Rooster has dry blood in nostrils


Sep 13, 2022
Good Evening,

We found our rooster last Friday with a droopy neck and did some research and assumed it was wry neck.
We immediately isolated him and began providing him with vitamin e and water.
We have also administered Vet RX, Vitamin supplements and mushy food.
His comb is still very red, hes eating and crowing, but he can't keep his head up. He keeps shaking it and had it down touching the ground.

We are almost at a week now and he doesn't seem to be getting better.
He sounds raspy when drinking water and there seems to be a bit of dry blood now in his nostrils :(
We did treat for worms to by giving him lots of garlic and chili flakes.

The minute he tries to drink water you can hear the gurgling nose and he lays his head down immediately.

I am not sure if there is any more we can do for him- so this is my last resort.

Any suggestions are greatly appreciated!
Can you Please provide photos of him - how he stands, of his poop and his nostrils?

Has he been fighting with other roosters?
Any feed that was moldy or rancid, eat any compost?
Any lice/mites?
Is his crop emptying?
How old is he?
Have you ever had respiratory disease in your flock?
What do you feed including treats?

Garlic and chili flakes will not treat worms. For worms you will need to use an anthelmintic like Fenbendazole (Safeguard) or Albendazole (Valbazen).
Safeguard does is 0.23ml per pound of weight given orally once a day for 5 days in a row.
Valbazen dose is 0.08ml per pound of weight given orally once, then repeated in 10 days.
Both of these will treat most worms that poultry have except for Tapeworms which would require Praziquantel.

Are you certain it's blood in the nostrils or could it be something heat ate that was red (chili flakes)?

Look inside his beak for any lesions or canker, inside his ears for infection.

Work on hydration, get the vitamins into him (400IU Vitamin E and 1/4 tablet B-Complex), once hydrated, then offer wet feed.

Hopefully with some more info (answers to the questions above) along with clear photos, we'll be able to offer more suggestions.
Can you Please provide photos of him - how he stands, of his poop and his nostrils?

Has he been fighting with other roosters?
Any feed that was moldy or rancid, eat any compost?
Any lice/mites?
Is his crop emptying?
How old is he?
Have you ever had respiratory disease in your flock?
What do you feed including treats?

Garlic and chili flakes will not treat worms. For worms you will need to use an anthelmintic like Fenbendazole (Safeguard) or Albendazole (Valbazen).
Safeguard does is 0.23ml per pound of weight given orally once a day for 5 days in a row.
Valbazen dose is 0.08ml per pound of weight given orally once, then repeated in 10 days.
Both of these will treat most worms that poultry have except for Tapeworms which would require Praziquantel.

Are you certain it's blood in the nostrils or could it be something heat ate that was red (chili flakes)?

Look inside his beak for any lesions or canker, inside his ears for infection.

Work on hydration, get the vitamins into him (400IU Vitamin E and 1/4 tablet B-Complex), once hydrated, then offer wet feed.

Hopefully with some more info (answers to the questions above) along with clear photos, we'll be able to offer more suggestions.
Has he been fighting with other roosters?- he is our only rooster
Any feed that was moldy or rancid, eat any compost?- no
Any lice/mites?- none
Is his crop emptying?- yes
How old is he?- 9 -11 months
Have you ever had respiratory disease in your flock?- no
What do you feed including treats?- we have poultry feed along with fresh fruits ( banana, apples, avacados)

Are you certain it's blood in the nostrils or could it be something heat ate that was red (chili flakes)? I wiped it and it is definately blood :(

I have attached a video of him
Has he been fighting with other roosters?- he is our only rooster
Any feed that was moldy or rancid, eat any compost?- no
Any lice/mites?- none
Is his crop emptying?- yes
How old is he?- 9 -11 months
Have you ever had respiratory disease in your flock?- no
What do you feed including treats?- we have poultry feed along with fresh fruits ( banana, apples, avacados)

Are you certain it's blood in the nostrils or could it be something heat ate that was red (chili flakes)? I wiped it and it is definately blood :(

I have attached a video of him
The video would not let me upload it but this is his normal stance lately :( and now he is having running poops.
he is constanstly shaking his head as well- I have notice his head is VERY hot to the touch but it is still bright red..


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Avocado's contain persin, which is toxic to birds. The skin and pit being the most concentrated. If too much of the meat is consumed, it can also be toxic. I don't know if that is contributing to the issues or the cause, but I would stop feeding that.
If vet care is not an option, then activated charcoal, might help, but it may have been in the digestive tract too long at this point.
More info here:
Avocado's contain persin, which is toxic to birds. The skin and pit being the most concentrated. If too much of the meat is consumed, it can also be toxic. I don't know if that is contributing to the issues or the cause, but I would stop feeding that.

If vet care is not an option, then activated charcoal, might help, but it may have been in the digestive tract too long at this point.

More info here:

Oh no!! I had no idea avocados was toxin to them now I feel even worse:(
What do you feed including treats?- we have poultry feed along with fresh fruits ( banana, apples, avacados)

he is constanstly shaking his head as well- I have notice his head is VERY hot to the touch but it is still bright red..

Back in December you had a hen with similar symptoms. How did that turn out?
What is similar to her situation and this one.

Can you hold his head up for some photos? Any swelling of head, comb/wattles?
Is it like shaking or siezures?

For video, upload to YouTube and provide a link.

I'd work on hydration and getting the vitamins into him. Do look inside his ears and beak for any lesions, infection or canker.

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