Rooster has to go ASAP


8 Years
Dec 29, 2011
I have a marans mix rooster for free. He is a great rooster!-- but he has gotten aggressive and well I could never work up the courage to kill and eat him so I need to get rid of him. He is very good with the girls and he is Super healthy, taking him and either keeping him or eating him would be doing me such a HUGE favor (see I have other people [family and friends] going in the coop often and I can't have a rooster that is attacking everyone) plus I cant sit outside with the girls anymore like I used to. So like I said it would be AWESOME if you could take him!! I am in Missouri PM me if interested and we can get it figured out (where I am and such).
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I'm sorry your rooster is misbehaving.
I'm sure someone will enjoy a nice chicken stew.

How old is the rooster??

We just recently processed (first timers) 9 roosters because there were just way too many (barnyard mixes).
The chicken soup we had last night was AWESOME!
I'm sure they will!

He is about 10 or 11 months now I was on vacation when someone gave them to me and I never truly found out when they were all born so just a guess he will be 11 months in around the end of may or at least I would think lol i know it's around there somewhere!

Yum souds good!

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