Rooster having seizures?

Is it a seizure? Or could it be a heart problem or a balance problem? A vision problem or ear infection can cause a balance issue. A leg injury can lead to balance issues on soft or uneven surfaces.

If it is a seizure- a seizure is a symptom of a problem. But many different problems can all bring about a seizure. Epilepsy, cancer, poison/toxins, low or high glucose, low or high calcium, electrolyte inbalance, anemia, fever .....
I know there could be a lot of other things causing the seizures in only a blood test could help tell what it is but I live in the city and have yet to find a vet that treats chickens. Not that I am in a financial position to go to a vet. I will have to save up for it. One vet that sees birds like parakeets and such charges $60 just for the office visit. And they said cbc blood work could run about $100. Thinking of other causes, I don't use fertilizer or pesticide in the yard nor do I use dips or flea shampoo on the dogs, who are around the roosters all the time. I put acv in their water every other week, give them scrambled eggs with garlic and oregano oil. They also get treats like fruits, nuts, bread, cheese and even pieces if hot dogs. He did have an ear infection but cleaned out his ears with peroxide and put neosporin in and there is no discharge anymore. He was on duramycin for a cold about a month ago. No leg injuries. I pay really close attention to them spend 6 hrs outside with them in the yard then put them in their coop when I go to work for about 3 hrs when it gets dark I come home for break and put them inside the house on the sofa. I am paranoid about them sleeping outside cause of predators or a rain storm or any other danger.
Wonder if he just starts to get sleepy after dark, and he is just following his body, wanting to go to sleep? One fellow on here last year had a little bantam rooster who would just up and have a seizure one every day or two, but then recovered, and was fine after that. The ear infection may actually be something that could have affected him, but that should happen more often than at night. I love the description of you sitting on the couch with 2 roosters watching TV at night--someone needs to get a picture of that for the BC calendar next year. Your chickens would probably love to watch Dr. Pol on Saturdays.
As I am sitting outside with the on this rainy morning, I see him walking towards his food and then goes into a seizure. Lasts only about 15 seconds. It kills me not knowing so I am borrowing the money and taking him to an avian vet. They told me the blood and stool work would cost $150. Hopefully whatever he has is treatable and my roosters and I can continue to watch tv on the sofa and get that photo for the calendar
Have your boys been treated for parasites lately? How old are they? Any chance of lead weights (draperies, fishing) laying around? What type of waterer do you use?
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Took him to an avian vet and blood work came out fine, stool sample clear. So he prescribed baytril, dmg seizure supplement and a calcium supplement although the root cause is still unclear. Cost me 250 for everything. Seems high for no real answers. But I will see how he does on the stuff
Have your boys been treated for parasites lately? How old are they? Any chance of lead weights (draperies, fishing) laying around? What type of waterer do you use?

Yes he was treated for parasites a month ago. No metal laying around and I use a plastic waterer. They are both 3 yrs old
I remember a finch I had that I thought was falling off the perch but one night I saw her having seizures and then getting up and eating like nothing happened. It happened several times a day. Turned out to be Aspergillosis, which is not really treatable unless you want to spend a lot of money on the meds. But I know that chickens can get Aspergillosis (a fungus) and have seizures from it.
I remember a finch I had that I thought was falling off the perch but one night I saw her having seizures and then getting up and eating like nothing happened.  It happened several times a day.  Turned out to be Aspergillosis, which is not really treatable unless you want to spend a lot of money on the meds.  But I know that chickens can get Aspergillosis (a fungus) and have seizures from it.

Could he have that even though the vet said the blood work showed nothing wrong?

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