Rooster help!!

Something you could ask your co workers to try and stump them is, "What color of ear lobes does a brown egg laying chicken have?"

Lol hmmm that does sound like a good one! But I'm not going to lie I'm not even sure? Hahaha it varys I would guess although all mine are red, and I know "most" chickens with white ear lobes lay white, not all of them but a good handful. Then maybe again I'm missing the whole point of it?? Hahaha :D
Lol hmmm that does sound like a good one! But I'm not going to lie I'm not even sure? Hahaha it varys I would guess although all mine are red, and I know "most" chickens with white ear lobes lay white, not all of them but a good handful. Then maybe again I'm missing the whole point of it?? Hahaha

The answer is red. Yep white egg layers have white ear lobes. Or at least most of the time. Not many kids at my school could get it.
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