Rooster in Critical Health

We have used over thousands on them in a year that’s why. I have had two hens suffer. One with wet pox she had the loudest breathing and it scars me as well a hen that suffered of cocci but all wet from diarrhea and terrible sneezing and eyes closed

Do what you can for her my friend! I'm all out of options and suggestions... :-( :-( :-(
Not heavily it’s been months since I have de mited them this chicken had her mouth swollen with a big bump than a big yellow thing popped out my mom said it felt like a fungus when she took it out. So we bought nystatin for it, since it gots no foul smell. We gave them corid since more than a week ago we saw dark red on a poop so we quickly gave them corid on their water. 3 days later we found a sad chicken in a corner, and since we where giving them corid then we went to the next thing since I have seen a chicken with worms sad so dewormed the whole flock while we where giving them corid, since I saw that they can be given in the same day but at different times. The chicken is alive but the rooster is dead.
I'm so sorry your rooster died. I'm a praying girl, so praying for you chicken and whole flock for healing and good health.
i have had 4 sick chickens, two had clogged crops and 3/4 survived, if i am to help i kind of need to have an idea of what the situation is... is she "throwing up" when she puts her head down? that was what was wrong with mine. she lost so much weight.

Glad to see someone else is chiming in here. There are multiple threads regarding a sick rooster and a sick hen. Neither is doing well: lethargic, low appetite (if any), and they were just wormed and treated for coccidiosis, though I'm not clear on the dosing schedule and amounts given to the birds.

Again, multiple threads on these birds, so you might search by the OP's screen name for posts...

Damn! I just read the post about losing the rooster - SO SAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-(
I've posted a list of avian vets for you on this thread. It's POST #31 on this thread. You can get to it here also:

You stated there were none close to you, but there are vets near you that can help.

Get her to a vet today if she won't eat or drink, or she's likely going to die..

Don't OVER-water her. Give her about 1-2ml of fluid every couple of hours. Push your mom to get them to a vet. They really need it.
The word "Vet" has been mentioned at least a dozen times in this thread.
Pushing a child to push Mom to go to the vet is not right.
We don't know their situation.
Mom is involved in the care of these birds, the child mentions that as well.
They are asking for our suggestions, so let's try to be civil and not cause undo stress with pressure/shaming.

Oh and it's not both birds. The rooster died pages back.

Here's what I would do. It sounds like her crop may not be emptying. Do keep in mind that often there's more going on and the bird is suffering from an underlying condition.
Since you did have some yeast(?) canker(?) issues in the past. Then I would treat for sour crop.

You can find Clotrimazole (Athlete's foot cream) at the dollar tree, dollar store or walmart.
Get some of that. Give your hen 1/2" of the cream twice a day for 7 days. In addition to the cream, give your hen 1 tsp coconut oil twice a day.
Don't massage the crop. Don't vomit the hen.
Make sure she's staying hydrated. You can syringe fluids and wet food into her or if possible, tube feed her. Links and photos to follow. .

Crop feeding.

Syringing/giving oral medications


ok, do you have a sibling or someone who also feels the need to help her? if not, thats ok.

also dont get angry when she fights you. it means she still has the strength to do things. ok next question.

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