Rooster in shock or having health issues?

Update…I checked on BG this morning and he looked low but was still drinking. I gave him some electrolytes and hoped he’d fight off the issues. He looked the same all throughout the day but this evening he looked extra weak. I took this pic about 15 minutes ago.
As I was sitting out here, he suddenly died.
I’ve been taking care of this flock, originally 28 hens and 2 roosters, for about 6 months. I’ve lost 4 to illness, 2 to who knows what, 1 to a predator, and finally BG. The last one is the biggest loss. He kept them all together.
Any idea what could be the issue?
given the circumstances you described, my guess would be heart failure. Sorry for your losses; it's hard, especially when it's a favourite that succumbs to something. :hugs

Don't lose heart. The other roo's behaviour may change for the better now he's in charge.
Sorry folks, I’m late to give an update. The morning after I lost BG, I had been outside for a couple hours doing farm work, etc. I came inside for only half an hour or so and got a call that a fox had just taken out Red and a couple hens. Right in broad daylight about 9:30 am. Devastating. I don’t know where the foxes get the nerve to come this close but I promptly herded them in their coop and haven’t let them back out.
Hello everyone.
I have 2 roosters in my flock of 24 chickens. Big Guy (real creative name, I know) is my best. He keeps the other rooster in line and all the hens like to stay close to him. He’s always had first say but is still a gentleman. This morning I saw Red going after BG and BG slunk away into a corner quickly. I noticed his comb and wattles were dark purple and he was shaking violently. Red kept going after him so I immediately put BG into an enclosed area. It’s been about 6 hours and he is still trembling slightly. His comb is dark purple and his wattles look to have blood puddling in them. He is eating some and drinking a ton of water but is down a lot. Is this something he’ll come out of or should I suspect sickness?

The first picture is today. The second picture is him when everything is going well.
Just came across this thread and wondering if BG made it?

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