Rooster Issue! HELP!!!!


In the Brooder
10 Years
Jan 18, 2010
Northern Rhode Island
5 month old rooster that attacks people - and is always crowing.
Will his temperament change as he gets older or is he just a meanie for life?

He has gone after me a few times, but I chase him down and pick him up, then lay him on his back and take him away from the hens. I walka round for a bit like this - he's better for a few days then gets 'challenging' again.
He, for no reason, attacked my sister yesterday. jump up and got her in the ribs and thigh.

Please give me some advice :)

Well, the good news is that you almost certainly won't have to get rid of him, if you're willing to spend some time working with him. He'll get better only if you do work with him. I could outline all of the techniques I use here but that would take some doing. I don't want to self promote too much, but I wrote a really long thread on the subject here:
Hope it helps. Main thing is to just not fear him, and make sure he knows that you are the leader of the flock.
Thanks I just found yazzo's post. I have done the sidestep with him :)
He seems to be afraid of me, then gets testy and challenges me again. I can handle him, it's the other humans ( and dogs) I'm afraid for.
Good job! I'm so happy you found my thread useful!

A few more 'sessions' like that, and he should be a much better rooster.

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