Rooster losing feathers bright red skin and hot


10 Years
Aug 30, 2009
I have a two year old rooster and 6 hens. Only the rooster is losing his feathers. it started under his wings and has spread to his legs and breast. the bare skin is bright red and hot to the touch. even his brest is red so i doubt its sunburn. i have pics but can't figure out how to add them. thanks Dave
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not real hard because he is the only one with the problem. none of the hens have it? and if it were a bug it should have spread buy now don't you think? thanks Dave
It does tend to spread. Has he been sick lately, or isolated? I had 2 hens who got lice real bad when they were sick and isolated.
Is someone (an aggressive hen or another rooster) picking on him?
I would still look really closely for mites/lice.
Give him a nice, warm bath. I would normally suggest puppy flea shampoo (works wonders with lice and mites) but if he's inflamed, it may make things worse. ..just use a hypo-allergenic or even a bit of dawn dish detergent (small ammount mixed with water) towel dry then place him under a heat lamp... give him enough room that he can excape the heat if it's too much.

When he dries a bit, rub vaseline on his inflamed skin.

Check for mites or lice at night as this is when they are most active. Take a flashlight and check out the vent area...
Newegg...How is your rooster doing now? I have the same problem with my Delaware rooster. Very red skin and feather loss. Did you find a solution?
i have not found a soulution? hate to spend the money for a vet but ... I diped him in "mange" dope and sprayed the chicken house real good 2 days ago? i don't think its mites or lice but don't know what else to try! DAve
My rooster is 8 years old and always gets a bright red bottom when he begins to molt. It is usually hot, too. No parasites, just the way he is. I put a little bag balm on it. His feathered feet get irritated and red when his feathers get too long and catch on the grass, usually I wash with noxzema and apply a little bag balm there too, and trim.
My Delaware rooster has spots of feather loss, on his throat, rump, and small patches on both wings. Underneath is bright red skin. I think that some of the hens are picking at him. I have treated for lice and mites, and cleaned out the coop, and have put blue kote on, but I don't know what is the solution. Anyone?
I have 2 pairs of seramas in cages right next to each other. Both of my roosters started losing feathers and looking ruffled. When I looked closer, their feathers were falling out all over their chest, neck, under the wings, and under the tail. Not only that, but their entire skins were a bright red! When I say red, I dont mean they looked a little irritated. I mean the same red as their comb and wattles, is the color that their entire skin is! When I handle them, they scream bloody murder, like I'm torturing them just by touching them. I checked both of my hens as well, but they are just as happy and healthy as ever.
Under observation, I noticed that they never try to fight each other, and the hens dont pick on the roosters. Is this a skin disease, or could it be some type of parasite? Can't find it online anywhere. Please help!

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