Rooster mating aggressive due to many hens being broody.


Mar 28, 2015
Hello everyone I can't seem to find the answer I'm looking for so I will ask here. I have too many hens that are sitting leaving 6 free run for my roo. However he has pulled out feathers from one hens neck and head a drew a lot of blood. I can put him in a stall by himself but how long will he be ok alone? He will be able to hear others but not see them. Will he grieve like a hen. And what will risk of reintroduction be. Thank you all
Hi there. I'm brand new here on BYC. Been following many threads since we have become fairly new chicken owners and lovers(which I didn't realize would happen...)
Our Partridge Rock Bantam Rooster only had 3 hens. He was a perfect gentleman at the beginning. He lost his favourite to a fox, and the other two went broody. So it was like being stuck with two pregnant grumpy ladies. Now he would crow a lot, and mope around, mainly hanging out with me during the daily farm chores...but you could tell he was lonely.
Now Mrs. Cluck is back, with baby Frankie of almost three weeks old. He wasn't very nice, did this weird jungle dance, and then wam bam thank you mam!!!!! Much to the disgust of Mrs. cluck! He seems to be settling down, taking on daddy duties for Frankie.
I guess there is such as a broody rooster too? I am thankful, for I was worried about baby when dad is being a bit of a horny turd....
Roosters will protect chicks of the flock. I can't say they will like randoms though, it really all depends on his disposition
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I guess I can stop worrying. Looked in on the little family at bedtime tonight, as baby Frankie was chirping away....while standing on daddy Fred's back. Just checked in on them and they are snuggled down together. Aw......
That's so sweet glad it all went well

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