Rooster not mating


I must be crazy!
13 Years
Oct 5, 2007
My Coop
My Coop

I have a rooster that isn't mating the girls. He will show them treats and puffs up when my other roo comes by their run, but he isn't doing the deed. He has 3 girls in with him, and he will chase 2 of the girls away from the treats. Any ideas?
How old is he? Maybe he is just shy and not doing it while you are around.
if you have a dominant roo around him he may feel that if he mounts a girl he will be attacked by the other boy! he has taken the place of a less dominant roo. he will still protect, feed and look after his girls as if they were his own, but will not always make a move to touch those girls if he doesn't feel they are his own.

one of my faverolles roos is like this with my cochin roo, he will make a motion towards a girl on occasion but once they fuss or slightly squawk at him he backs off when the cochin is in the pen with him. when he knows he is the only roo in the group he is hormone crazy with the ladies!
Ok...more information.

He is over a year old. He has been in with these 3 girls since the 1st of July. I had 3 roos, a Welsummer, an Orp, and a BLRW (the one having problems.) The Orp was in with his girls and the other 2 were running with the rest of the hens. The BLRW was the submissive roo. While I was out of town for the 4th, we lost the Wellie roo. So I decided to start my project hatchings. I waited the 3 weeks and started collecting...but didn't get many eggs because of the heat. So then I set them. Waited, and then candled. The eggs were infertile, I thought because of the heat. Then the following weeks worth were infertile too. So now I am sure that it isn't shyness. He is not backing down from the Orp roo at the fence so it doesn't seem like submissive behavior.

I have a young roo that I could put in with them..while watching to make sure he doesn't get hurt. But I am afraid that maybe it is that he just doesn't feel that they are "his", any ideas?

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