rooster or hen?

It's definitely a cockerel; and with that color pattern and those green legs it's actually an Easter Egger rather than a true Ameraucana which have to conform to SOP color standards and which have slate blue legs. Easter Eggers are hybrids produced by crossing blue egg layers with brown egg layers to produce offspring that lay eggs in colors other than just blue. Hatcheries and feed stores frequently and incorrectly market their Easter Eggers under the label Ameraucana, when they are in fact EEs. There is a good article at explaining the difference between true Ameraucanas, true Araucanas, and Easter Eggers.
It's definitely a cockerel; and with that color pattern and those green legs it's actually an Easter Egger rather than a true Ameraucana which have to conform to SOP color standards and which have slate blue legs. Easter Eggers are hybrids produced by crossing blue egg layers with brown egg layers to produce offspring that lay eggs in colors other than just blue. Hatcheries and feed stores frequently and incorrectly market their Easter Eggers under the label Ameraucana, when they are in fact EEs. There is a good article at explaining the difference between true Ameraucanas, true Araucanas, and Easter Eggers.

good info -

I had a few extra roosters when I had these chicks... now I only have one that was sold as an ameraucana from a hatchery - is he a mix or pure?
He is definitely a mix and looks to be a Salmon Faverolles mixed breed.
I got them as Ameraucana from Ideal Poultry ... After reading the sight it says:
Ameraucanas, known as the "Easter Egg Breed", are a multicolored breed. They have beards, muffs and a normal tail with a tail head. They are often incorrectly called Araucanas, which have ear tuffs, are rumpless, and do not have a tail head which gives them a bunny tail appearance. Most of the chicks sold as Araucanas are really Ameraucanas, which are excellent, efficient producers of large eggs of many colors and shades including blue and green.

They got me as I didn't know any better when I ordered... Oh well

The Rooster still looks awesome!

SO ... Here are my "ameraucana" hens with Mr. Favorelle rooster... So assuming they are easter eggers too... do you think they are mixed with the same Faverolle?

almon Faverolles Looks exactly like him so thanks for that input, I wouldn't have known that!

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