Rooster or Hen?


8 Years
Jul 26, 2011
Hi everyone,
we have four pullets (we hope), they are 23 weeks old, two EE's, one buff orp, one silver wyandotte. One of the EE's we've always thought maybe was a rooster. We got them as chicks.
She feathered slightly later, grew bigger faster (but is now the same size), and makes this slow creaking noise like a door opening in an old horror film. she's the only one that does this. Hers was the last comb to go red. Her hackle feathers appear pointed due to the lacing but actually are quite rounded.

here are some pics (I hope, first time I've tried to post with images)





Anyone got an opinion based on the above? if she's a roo she'll have to go unfortunately (1/3 acre subdivision lot), so should I expect eggs or craigslist do you think?
I was hoping we'd know by this point, but with no definitive eggs or crowing we're still unsure.

thanks everyone!
Looks like a pullet to me. Very pretty one too. I'm keeping my fingers crossed it's not a rooster. Good luck.

P.S. Under my signature name is a photo of my EE Rooster.
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Great pictures! I have an EE rooster that looks simular but, comb turned red at 4 weeks, at 7 weeks his comb is fuller than the one you pictured. My guess is pullet just based on comparing the two.
oh yay, thanks for the positive pullet vibes!!!
i think it's just the creaking noise that's worrying me. anyone else get that from a pullet?
that's a pullet. a cockeral would have long, thin, pointy saddle feathers coming out from the saddle area, from under the wingtips

her's are all short and rounded
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