Rooster or hen ?


5 Years
Mar 24, 2014
I have young chickens silver laced wyandottes and leghorns but I'm concerned about this one particularly I got them at tractor supply hoping I have all girls for laying but this one is a little more aggressive growing fast . He also has more pinkish reddish then any other chicks . I'm just hoping I do but I would like egg layers for selling and eating . :D :)
Big indicators are the pink comb, and bigger meatier legs. Attitude can be an indicator, but not useful by itself.
You could show us some pictures, your potential rooster compared to your likely hens.

Welcome to BYC!

Definitely as the chicks grow, generally the cockerels will develop a redder face, bigger comb and wattles much faster than the pullets. But still, chicks all grow at different rates and sometime pullets can grow these characteristics and not be cockerel.

You might want to post this chicks pic in our What Breed section here on BYC for some good ID....

Enjoy your new babies and welcome to BYC!

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