Rooster pecking hen left a large hole!! pics.

Thank you... do you think the local tractor supply will have it... that is where I get my feed from... Thank goodness I didn't listen to my sister iin law... she told me to put all the chickens in the coop and keep the rooster outside... Burton would of been dead by morning!! I was so mad at the rooster and the chickens when I saw Burton hiding under the nest...scared... I closed the little door to the coop and kept them out in the run all night long... my run is secure... it has a roof on it and I still have the plastic on three sides...
I guess I am learning little by little what to do.. I still will make mistakes.. but can't stop trying. Thanks again.

I came home on Sunday to find the new chickens pecking my old lady. When I scared them away, I found the exact same thing. I was mortified and just knew we needed to cull her :-( Then I saw this post and have hope.
How did you treat her and how long did it take until it healed? I currently have my girl in a large dog kennel with antiboitic ointment and a gauze pad secured with an ace wrap on her now.
My girls love a treat of canned cat food mixed with oats! However, you can give them dry catfood mixed with their layer pellets. I'd lay off the treats in general with the exception of just a little bit each day if you want. I make sure my girls' crops are good and full of their regular food before giving them treats. That way I know they're getting the proper nutrition!

That wound looks awful.. poor baby!

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