rooster pens


8 Years
Dec 29, 2011
Brainerd, MN
I have two roosters that I am keeping for replacements. I want to a pen for each one but don't know what size I need for BA's that are very large. I would like to see your rooster pens.
I don't have any rooster pens, but ideally you should allow 10 sqf space in the run and 4 sqf in the coop per chicken.
Usually you can house roosters together, especially if they've been raised together. Even if they haven't, if there aren't any hens to fight over they usually get along well.

I agree with the ten or so square feet per bird.
Usually you can house roosters together, especially if they've been raised together. Even if they haven't, if there aren't any hens to fight over they usually get along well.

I agree with the ten or so square feet per bird.
donrae's right (as usual). There's no reason to house your roosters separately. I also agree that roosters may need a bit more room than chickens to get along well.

My current two roosters shared a quarantine pen for four weeks that was only eight square feet total, though, and they did absolutely fine together.
donrae's right (as usual). There's no reason to house your roosters separately. I also agree that roosters may need a bit more room than chickens to get along well.

My current two roosters shared a quarantine pen for four weeks that was only eight square feet total, though, and they did absolutely fine together.
really? going to probably build a coop for just roos now
so you think 3 roos (brown leghorns) would get along together in how big of a coop?
I don't have any pictures. But, what I used was a dog kennel 10x10 with 3 string of electric fence around the base and an overturned fiberglass water tank with a hole in the side for shelter. This was just temporary until the boys were butchered but it worked well with only a few scrapes.

**I wouldn't buy a water tank for this purpose we just had one the horses had kicked a hole in so I used it.

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