Rooster questions

I have 5 rir hens, 2 easter eggers, 1 wyandotte, with only 1 rir rooster and he is such a joy! Of course, the hens are mean to him and he just takes it and so far he has not been mean towards me. I can pick him up and pet him. I thought I read somewhere that you need one rooster for like every 20 hens I may be wrong been a while since I checked up on that stuff.
Is the rooster younger than hens? Can you tell us how old is the rooster? Because, if he is not mature yet, the hens may or will peck on him. Are they eating his feathers? Feather eating is vitamin deficienty, not being mean to him. Is he realy rooster? Some people mistake hens with big combs for roosters. Can you show us pictures? I understand the question. You need one roo for avery 10-15 hens.
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Out of the 12 sexed chicks that I have bought that were all supposed to be girls, I have ended up with 2 roos (in 2 different batches of chicks so they never met). The first was an ameracana (probably spelled that wrong) who was a total sweetheart until he was killed by my neighbor's dog. I now have a bantam cochin who is supposed to be one of the sweetest roos you can get but mine is a jerk! He attacks me every time I walk into the pen. He does this so much that my bigger girls actually will go after him to protect me! So I would say don't count on getting the exact sexes you want and try to get a roo that you want and has a good reputation and hope for the best.
I don't know if I am just unlucky with Roosters, but we have never had a standard sized rooster that was not mean to me or the kids besides a Tyson Roo that we found on the side of the road that had fallen off the truck. He may have been too big to attack even if he wanted to. We have had no luck with Barred Rocks, Brahmas and a Turken - all of which became attack chickens when they matured.

Our best luck has been with banty roos. Currently we have a banty D'uccle, Cochin frizzle and 2 Japs that have never tried to go after us - but they are still fairly young and have not reached the aggressive stage yet. I really enjoy the crow of a rooster and the interaction with the hens.
Well, I ended up with twice the number of chicks as I had intended because they were all just so cute! I don't know how many roosters we have, but hoping for a couple, at least.

I had been thinking I could take one rooster and separate him off with only a few hens for a week, and then be fairly certain the eggs would be fertile. But now we live on five acres and I have the space, so we have problems with aggression, we can separate. So long as they aren't aggressive toward us! We'll see. We're building a chicken tractor for the meat birds and if one tends toward aggression, he may earn himself a permanent tractor home.
I have ordered 10 EE female chicks, 10 straight run birchen cochins and 6 straight run w.c. black polish. I am now rethinking that order- due to th fact I could end up with so many roosters! This is my first time with chickens, and now I am really getting nervous. We have plenty of room, but I don't want a lot of roosters. SHould I change my order? I'm not sure that I can, but it's not due to be sent until May. thanks!

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