rooster questions


8 Years
Jan 15, 2012
so I have a few chickens that I'm still not sure on the gender of, but I only have one crowing rooster. they are all about the same age, January hatches. Does the one rooster crowing mean he's the only one or is he just the dominant one? I'm 70% sure he's the only one but there are 2 I'm not sure about.

It could be either........sometimes only the dominant boy will crow. Sometimes they start crowing later as well. I've had boys that I hardly ever heard crow, but they were definitely roosters. Maybe you can post pics?
Pics would help identify them depending on the breed.

Out of my first hatched flock I got 4 WL roosters and only 2 crowed. The alpha and his second. The other two were quiet until the day they were rehomed. Then the 3 I rehomed crowed from the time I grabbed them up until they got out of the carton at their new home.

Right now I have 1 older silkie roo who is alpha. He crows when he feels threatened - which lately is more often. I also have some cockerels that are less then 10 weeks old - those guys are giving my alpha roo fits. Two of the three are occassionally crowing - but the 3rd hasn't muttered a sound. He's the one I will keep when I rehome the others. He's the less aggressive of the young ones.

The cockerels will usually crow to show dominance or when threatened. If they aren't the alpha - they may never crow.

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