
In the Brooder
Apr 6, 2017
Hi all!
I free range my chickens and yesterday one of my hens got snatched up by a fox. Last time one of my hens got snatched (raccoon), our rooster took off for a day and came back the next morning. I have not seen any of his feathers anywhere whereas there are TONS of the feathers from the one the fox took, so I am hopeful he just is out 'looking' for her and has not come home yet. He is about 2 years old, a good protector... I live out surrounded by a lot of farm land. Anyone have experience with this? I worry about my flock. :(
Your fox will return for sure, and maybe your rooster will make it home. I hope so!
Lock your flock in a safe coop and run until your fox situation is resolved. It's hard to trap foxes, but worth trying. Don't trap if you won't shoot it! Relocation is not an option!
When we had a bad fox episode a few years ago (ten nice hens dead one afternoon!!!) I visited everyone within about 3/4 mile that had chickens, and warned them. One of those neighbors was able to shoot the poor mangy fox the following week. He revisited our place (birds on lockdown!) and was trying other flocks too. Mary
Your fox will return for sure, and maybe your rooster will make it home. I hope so!
Lock your flock in a safe coop and run until your fox situation is resolved. It's hard to trap foxes, but worth trying. Don't trap if you won't shoot it! Relocation is not an option!
When we had a bad fox episode a few years ago (ten nice hens dead one afternoon!!!) I visited everyone within about 3/4 mile that had chickens, and warned them. One of those neighbors was able to shoot the poor mangy fox the following week. He revisited our place (birds on lockdown!) and was trying other flocks too. Mary
I tried to go after the fox when I saw it to shoot it but our grass was super wet and I slipped! :rolleyes: Thank god that didn't end badly, just a wet tush! I will definitely shoot it if I see it. Chickens are safe for now, but no sign of Mr. Rooster. Still keeping fingers crossed. He was such a good boy and I'd hate to lose him.
We couldn't get a good shot at our problem fox, but thankfully the neighbor did!
Electric poultry netting ( or multiple strands of electric rope or wire, baited at first, will really help too. Mary

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