Rooster Right?


6 Years
Feb 23, 2013
He Everyone I just joined BYC and wanted some opinions on my 5 week old slw. I believe this little chick is totally rooster but wanted some side options. Thanks

Also on a side note we have 2, 5 week old chicks one being the slw and ended up getting another chick about 3 weeks old so if the slw is a rooster we are not introducing a lone chick to our older girls. However the 5 week olds are not taking to the younger chick. Will this get better? When the potential rooster is gone with the other two bond? Just wondering. It get complicated when you live in a area that limits chickens to 4.
from California, sorry that looks like a boy to me :( eventually the chickens will sort out the pecking order themselves.
Thanks for the input. Im just nervous the older pullet our br won't friend the new chick before going into our flock. 2 week difference in age could be a factor?

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