Rooster Sore throat…HELP!!!


Sep 26, 2022

I have an 8 month old rooster that started crowing fine. Then a month ago his crow started to sound funny at first and now lower and lower. His crow sounds low and coarse like he has a sore throat. Also sounds really raspy. Today he seems to have lost his voice, you can barely hear his crow.

Roosters symptoms:
He’s is very active and no signs of sickness
His breathing is fine.
Eating good and no canker
He continues to crow even though he lost his voice. His discharged is a nice solid green.
He has no discharge from his nose, mouth, and eyes at all. He greets me with a warm welcome.

What I’ve done:
I have treated with Vetrx for a week and it doesn’t help.
I have treated him with antibiotics and it’s not working.
I have dewormed him for a couple of days and it’s not helping.

Does anyone know what this can be and how I can help my guy back to crowing? Or is it just natural? What other treatments I can use? Yeah I know, awkward right… I want my rooster to crow again hahaha

Thanks anything would help
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Welcome To BYC

Hard to know what's going on if he's very active. Make sure your housing has plenty of ventilation.
Look inside his beak for lesions, canker, etc. and that his crop is emptying.
Welcome To BYC

Hard to know what's going on if he's very active. Make sure your housing has plenty of ventilation.
Look inside his beak for lesions, canker, etc. and that his crop is emptying.


No canker and eating good

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