Rooster sounds like it’s choking?


Oct 24, 2017
White lake, Michigan. (Or detroit)
Hi all. I have a friend and am posting this for her. She recently had a hen died which we think was from old age. Now, she has a rooster that is making a choking noice. She said she hasnt seen him eating or drinking. She also said his comb and waddle are turning purple. Any ideas?

It sounds possible respiratory, but she needs to check his crop asap. The comb color change combined with the choking sound is concerning. Can she bring him inside and see if being in a steamy room might help? Can you also ask her if he’s pooping normally?
The crop is the sac in the upper right chest where food and water are stored before moving on to the gizzard and intestines to be digested. Feel other bird’s crop for comparison. Crops should be mostly flat and empty in early morning or if they have not eaten or drunk. If it is full and firm or puffy like a balloon in early morning, there may be a crop problem.

Have her check into the beak and throat as well to look for a growth or a foreign body lodged or partially blocking the airway.

Have her look for any rattly breathing, wheezing, or gasping, as well as head shaking, sneezing, foamy or goopy eyes, and nasal drainage, all symptoms of respiratory diseases.
I had a rooster making choking noises and his wattles were turning purple (he was eating grain at the time) and everything else about him was normal and I carefully pounded him on the back like you would do with a human and he coughed up a piece of grain and some of his color came back and a few minutes later he coughed up some more on his own without me pounding him!
The grain had swollen while it was stuck and was about two times the size it had been:eek:

I hope your rooster gets better!:fl

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