Rooster suddenly pale and bloody feces


Jul 15, 2016
Hey guys, I picked up this little rooster (he is about 4 months old) locally last week. He was raised in a closed coop with 3 other chicks and they never had any health problems. We currently have him quarantined from the rest of our flock.

We went out of town for the weekend and last night the "sitter" noticed bloody feces/diarrhea in his cage and let us know. Today we returned home and he looks pale and lethargic and does not appear to have touched his food. I put in a call to the vet and will bring in a sample first thing in the morning for them to analyze (we got in too late to do anything about it today) but was wondering if this sounds familiar to anyone or if there's much I can do about it in the meantime.

I've attached a photo of him from Friday afternoon (looking healthy and bright) and from today (looking sad and pale) and of the feces that I found.
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Oh yes, I already read that article :) Believe me, I was googling "bloody chicken poop" all night last night!! Hoping the vet can do a lab and give me a diagnosis, but I am feeling bad for the little dude and thought byc experts might help chime in.
If it is coccidiosis, how much time do I have? If I wait until tomorrow and I going to wake up to a dead chicken?
You need to keep him hydrated if you are needing to wait. Personally I'd spoon feed broth...honestly chicken broth is good. It is the salts that may need to be replenished. But you could probably give him water with electrolytes. A touch of apple cider vinegar mixed in water (not sure of dose) is what some people do. It is supposed to cut back the mucus. BUt that is just to tide you over till you can get the poor guy medicated. I'm sorry you guy is sick. Hope he get better soon.
UPDATE: I got the results back from the fecal test and they were negative for parasites!!! I guess it's good that I can confirm he does not have coccidiosis. Maybe it was just intestinal lining?

His comb still looks pale and he's mostly huddling in the corner, but he was moving around a bit, and I haven't seen any more blood in his stool. He also was crowing this morning, I took that as a good sign.

I also did end up running out to get corid for his water (vet confirmed that it wouldn't harm him) and got him to drink some out of a syringe... but it really doesn't seem like he's eating or drinking much on his own.

Could my chicken just be depressed and sad because he's by himself?

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