Rooster with back of head oddly but badly damaged.


11 Years
Mar 29, 2008
Ringwood area, NJ
I don't know what happened to my Rooster the whole back of his head is featherless the back of his comb is off his head is so swollen his eyes are closed. My daughter brought him in and made a hospital cage. I JUST got home. He is my boy :( one of them anyway. I am of course blank at the moment...the comb is oozing a small amount of blood so I am afraid to clean it... I dunno what to do.... I want to make the swelling go down. there are no tear marks no teeth marks it is just all over black ....Oh my gosh I have done so many emergencies and surgeries why am I blank?? Help thank you!!
Ok so I diluted peroxide and poured it over his head. Put Neosporin (the right one) on his head in clumps it is melting now. Then I saw peroxide bubbles near his eye so I sprayed his head with water (misting bottle)which he seemed to really like. If I looked at the bird and you said guess what happened one of my guesses would be he was to close to a heat light, but we have no heat light.... My poor boy :(
I would make sure to use the saline solution to rinse out his wound after using the diluted Proxide because that kills live tissue. Just f.y.i

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