Rooster with bleeding comb and its bad. Help!!!

I'm afraid I've given you all the tips and tricks I have. Do any of those sound applicable to the situation you're dealing with? If not you'll definitely need to provide more information so others can help.

Can you give any more details on the injury? Do you suspect infection? If so what antiseptic/antibiotic treatments have you considered/tried? What medications/first aid supplies do you have on hand?

Can you offer details on the behavior of the injured bird? The other birds' behavior around it?

Can you provide some pictures?

Hopefully with a little more information folks will be able to offer some advice.
You can use wood ash to pack the wound, or even flour. Anything powdery that sops up fluid. You can also use antibiotic ointment, which is gooey and will "plug the leak."

The yellow material sounds like pus, signs of infection. Get some triple-antibiotic ointment, or if you can't find that, then neosporin. Clean the wounds with an antibacterial soap or hand sanitizer, blot them dry gently with a clean, soft cloth or strong toilet tissue, and slather the antibiotic ointment all over the wounds.

Keep the wound area clean and treated until there are solid scabs.

If you can, put some poultry vitamin/electrolyte supplement in his water and keep him well nourished. and comfortable.

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