Rooster with closed, swollen eye

Were you using an eye antibiotic along with the eye wash? It sounds like the eye is gone.
Unfortunately, I was not. I asked my dad to get the terramycin you recommended but he forgot to. Is the eye permanently impaired?
At this point, I'm afraid there's no saving it. How is the other eye doing? A chicken can make do with one eye, but a blind chicken cannot function.
At this point, I'm afraid there's no saving it. How is the other eye doing? A chicken can make do with one eye, but a blind chicken cannot function.
I'm really sad to hear this, and feel even worse that I could've prevented it. His other eye is perfectly fine, but I feel so bad that he'll have to live with one. I don't want him to lose both eyes, so is there any way I can prevent him from fighting with the other Rooster? I'm very paranoid now.
@Harun I don't think you could have saved it, I noticed in the picture you posted that the black portion of his eye was no longer round. I am an RN and know that in people this is not a good sign for the eye. You did a great job, continue to monitor for infection and treat as necessary. Good luck and give yourself a pat on the back for doing a tedious job and continuing to follow through.
@Harun I don't think you could have saved it, I noticed in the picture you posted that the black portion of his eye was no longer round. I am an RN and know that in people this is not a good sign for the eye. You did a great job, continue to monitor for infection and treat as necessary. Good luck and give yourself a pat on the back for doing a tedious job and continuing to follow through.
Thank you. Unfortunately, yes, his eye no longer works, but he still functions well and remains to live a happy life with his hens.

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