Rooster with scabs on comb and earlobes turned yellow


7 Years
Aug 3, 2016
hi all, so I just want a second opinion on my rooster who has in the past week developed these scabs on his comb and have noticed his earlobes which were sure white are now yellow. After doing some research I think maybe dry fowl pox? But am not sure as not found anything with symptoms of turned the earlobes yellow. The rooster is a vorwerk at 3years old who free ranges a lot. Could. Sunburn be a possibility? As no other birds have the symptoms.

Anyway thank you very much for reading and any responses given.



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Pictures are not real clear but it doesn't really look like fowl pox to me. More like favus, which is fungal. I really can't tell if the ears are that also or just normal coloring. Treatment for favus is usually miconazole. It comes in cream (monistat is one). I would apply that, you can use a q-tip, and see if you get some improvement.
Thank you so much, I tried getting better pics but he likes to keep his distance and the camera on my iPad isn't the clearest.

Here's what he should look like

I'll get some of that cream and see if it improves. Thanks so much again


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