Rooster? :(


In the Brooder
8 Years
Dec 12, 2011
Got myself a pair of Australorps as young hens, which were apparently sexed. Theyre approximately 18 weeks old, one red and one black, but sadly the black might be a rooster, but I can't be certain, help!
Black one's comb/wattle are much redder and developed than the red one, both of them have the same size spurs (pretty much non existant), and the black's got a shiney green hue and brown feathers too.



Red is at the bottom


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Check for saddle feathers on their back too. They are narrow and pointy. Hens have round fat feathers on their backs. Good luck!

It sounds like you have a black sex link and a red sex link, not australorps. Australorps are solid black and have a "beetle green" sheen as you describe. Australorps also have exceptionally soft feathers. Weird characteristic trait, but true.

Anyway, you can find out by looking at their feathers on the nape of the neck and base of the tail. Use a white sheet of paper under the feathers - if the feathers are pointed, roo. If round, hen.

Spurs will not be any use at all until way after you know whether it's a hen or roo. Also, a couple of my pullets are more sexually mature than the others and have large red wattles and comb (eggs soon!). Your pullet with the larger wattles might be closer to laying than the other.
I just checked the saddle feathers, and they're round-ish like the red's (its so much easier when I have an obvious hen to compare to!) though the green hue is actually in a point shape so its rather deceptive!

I guess I'll go post away so I can put up some pics xP
It does sound as if you have breeds that are not australorps - the black chicken may simply be reaching sexual maturity earlier than the red. Pointy hackle (neck), saddle (back), and tail feathers are indicative of a rooster. Hopefully you have two hens and the black is about to lay.

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