Roosters and Broody Hens.


In the Brooder
Sep 22, 2015
I am having a problem with my rooster peaking at my broody hen after he mates her. Dale (is her name) is a very broody silkie hen. She is about 1 year old and has hatched out chicks 2 different times. The second time she hatched out chicks she sat on nothing for a week, then I felt sorry for her and put some fertile eggs under her. I don't want to be hatching anymore chicks outside because I lost the 4 chicks in the second batch due to a cat think. So, I am trying to keep Dale out of the nesting box, she really wants in. When my rooster see Dale he mates her then peaks her then chases her around and mates her again with same thing peaking her then chasing mating, and on and on until I stop it. Is the rooster just mad at her for being broody? Anyone have this issue ever?
What works for me is confine her to a small pen with NO nest boxes. Put a rooster in the pen with her, and within a week she should be coming out of her broodiness. But it depends on how long she has been broody for. If she has been broody for more than 2 weeks, the breaking could be longer. Do you have any extra roosters you can put with her? The whole reason for putting her with a rooster, is so that she submits to him after being with him for a while. And she will soon become a regular hen again.

I will try that putting her in a small pen. No extra roosters, and the way he is acting with my hen is that somewhat normal?
Works without a rooster also. Just separate her out with no nest box. Probably will break broody eas in a week or so. I had a game hen that took over two weeks, but that is the exception, not the rule.

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