Roosters are awesome

It's still a cool sign! šŸ˜„
Yes it is... I do have a white board in the barn where the coops are but in reality if you've gotten that far, it's way too late....šŸ„“
Roosters are my favorites. They are the gentlemen of gentlemen. They lead, they keep order in the flock, they warn the girls of threats, they protect with their life, and they don't eat food first - they give it to their hens and only eat if there is anything left. I make sure my three roosters get special treatments and time to show them how much I appreciate them.
They're not all like that unfortunately.
Roosters can be gentle until they are not. Like Bulls, Jacks, Stallions, and other intact males of the livestock kingdom they can turn on you.

Our friend's 18 year old son was herding their Jersey heifers to a new pasture. Their Jersey bull, which their son had raised, didn't like the heifers being move. The bull killed their son.

NEVER take Roosters for granted! šŸ“
I have had one mean rooster had to get rid of him so just stayed with hens for a while after then this year a friend asked me if I would take one of her roosters because she had too many and I did because heā€™s a nice guy and very pretty my hens are enjoying him named him Hermes.


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My rooster is such a gentleman and he is beautiful. He loves to crow back and forth with a rooster one of the neighbors has. He is very protective of his ladies. Whenever I bring something big into the coop he leads the hens inside and he stays out into the run to protect them.
My rooster is sweet, I can even hold him!
I'm betting he is popular with the ladies too!
I too love my roosters! Thereā€™s something so much more personable about them. Theyā€™re not as easy, and I never 100% trust them, but the good ones really are just the absolute best šŸ˜

This is my bantam Brahma Rubyā€¦with my daughter at the County Fair. She was bored and wanted to lay with him, so he just sprawled out and laid there with her ā¤ļø


And my rooster Iceman, a blue quail Watermaal. He too, was bored at the Fair šŸ˜†

I currently have one big run shared by two large coops, and it currently has 3 bantam Cochin roosters, 1 bantam Wyandotte rooster, and 1 Olandsk Dwarf rooster living harmoniously together. I also have a smaller run with the Brahma Ruby and a dā€™Anver rooster. In a different coop, I have 2 bantam Ameraucana Roos, 2 bantam EE roos, and a dā€™Anver roo living with a flock of ladies. Iā€™ve had some roosters that I needed to rehome over the years, but honestly Iā€™ve never really had a rooster that was truly mean. Iā€™ve had naughty teenage boys, overly protective roos that got rehomed because they were scary to my kids, and a couple that have occasional moments that remind me to never let my guard downā€¦but Iā€™ve also had the best moments with my roosters and I canā€™t imagine a flock of mine ever being without them! šŸ˜

This was one of my sweetest boys, a lavender cuckoo Orpington. He would follow me everywhere and when he got sick he would call for me whenever he got left alone. To the point I had to start keeping him in a box next to me on the couch and the bed at night šŸ¤Ŗā¤ļø I adored him and still mourn the hole heā€™s left šŸ˜¢šŸ„ŗ


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