Rooster's eye pecked out

Its Just Us Chickens

11 Years
Nov 24, 2008
I have a RIR rooster that was blind in one eye. Just a little bit ago, he got in a fight with another rooster and his blind eye seems to have been pecked out. There's a red chunk of flesh sticking out and his comb is bloody.

What do I need to do for him?
Sounds like he needs to see a vet, probably not many open today, Clean it with saline and get him isolated from the others. Do you have terramycin ointment you can use it. Hope he recovers he needs to be kept where it's warm and dry and Clean.
Our vets not open today, and we don't have any terramycin. Actually if the vet were open, he'd tell me I could buy an awful lot of chickens for what it would cost to treat that one.

So far we've put neosporin in it and have him in isolation. I'll keep an eye on him and make sure it stays clean.
sounds like a plan. most important is infection if it starts to smell or look yucky then he'll need antibiotics, but chickens are very good about healing so hopefully with good care he'll be fine.

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