Rooster's foot chewed up, sticky and bloody looking

There are alright. Normal I think. But I have not had anything to compare it to. I stuck this in the Marans thread as they are used to feather-footed birds and a contributer said that it is normal unless it persists...that the blood feathers are just broken off..that I should monitor it and if it continues to pull the feather nubbs, squeeze the pus out and treat it as one would bumble foot. But it is, according to her, a normal occurance with Marans. Your thoughts?
I think he will be fine It looks like some feathers got pulled out so keep an eye on it.

BTW I have been around a lot of chickens with feathered feet :)
My light brahma used to break her foot feathers all the time. I ended up putting bag balm on her feet. When she's peck her feet, she'd get a beak full of bag balm and she quickly learned that he horrid taste was from her feathers. Now she doesn't peck her feet, and her feet are really soft. :3
Thanks, Goosehead. I had a feeling you would have feather-legged birds cuz you have got everything under the sun there!.. Thanks so much for the good advice. I think I may have used neosporin with the painkiller in it. What will it do to my roo?

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