Roosters or hens?

I'm not really sure about genders for any of them.

It's hard to tell feather shape when the feathers are wet. I was looking for pointy saddle feathers, growing on the back in front of the tail. Those would indicate males. But wet feathers tend to clump up and look pointy even on hens.

And all the combs I see could be males (of one age) or females (of a younger age), but you don't know what age they really are.

If they are all the same age, you might have quite a few pullets there.
My reasons for saying that:
--the Cream Legbar should be female (by color)
--the Cream Legbar has a fairly well developed comb
--any other chicken with an equally developed comb has a chance to also be female
--any chicken with a less dveloped comb has a higher chance to be female

Even for the laced Wyandotte in the first photos, that comb could indicate a female getting close to laying age (maybe 4-6 months) or a much younger male (maybe 2-3 months).

Have you heard any crowing? That's usually a good sign of having a male.
No crowing at all. They were young when we got them. I want to say about 2 weeks old. So they smaller ones would be about 5 weeks? And my Wyandottes were 3-4 weeks. Let me post some more pictures. This is the day we got them, you can’t see a whole lot because they’re huddled up. These pictures are all from the first few days when we got them.


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No crowing at all. They were young when we got them. I want to say about 2 weeks old. So they smaller ones would be about 5 weeks? And my Wyandottes were 3-4 weeks. Let me post some more pictures. This is the day we got them, you can’t see a whole lot because they’re huddled up. These pictures are all from the first few days when we got them.
That helps.

In that case, guessing mostly by comb & wattle size/color, I think you've got at least one Wyandotte cockerel (first photo, looks like a Splash Laced Red), and maybe a second (second photo, looks like a Blue Laced Red). The 3rd photo (maybe an Easter Egger?) may be a cockerel as well. (I'm getting progressively less confident as I go through that list of three.)

The Cream Legbar really ought to be female, with that salmon-colored breast, but her comb makes me second-guess the second & third ones I just listed as likely cockerels.

The two black ones are likely pullets, but I'm not certain, because slow-maturing cockerels can hide for a long time.

The mostly-white one at the end, with really thick legs, is bugging me. I feel that it "looks" like a male, but I can't put my finger on any specific details. I like to find specific details (like comb size or color, or gender-specific coloring, or feather shape), and I am just not finding them for that bird. I don't trust my hunches unless I can find reasons to support them, so I'll say "not sure" on that one.
Here are some updated pictures for y’all! I think they’re 8 weeks old now. My wyandottes would be about 10-12 weeks now. Still no one crowing! Any guess now? I know my legbar is a hen. The black ones have me stumped. My yellow chick is either an amberlink or ameraucana based on google pics (she) does have tufts.


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Here are some updated pictures for y’all! I think they’re 8 weeks old now. My wyandottes would be about 10-12 weeks now. Still no one crowing! Any guess now? I know my legbar is a hen. The black ones have me stumped. My yellow chick is either an amberlink or ameraucana based on google pics (she) does have tufts.

Going through the photos in the order I see them:

The first photo might be an Easter Egger male (looks to have a pea comb, with comb & wattles small but quite red).

The second photo (buff chicken with eyes closed) might be an Easter Egger or maybe Ameraucana. I think it's got muffs/beard, not ear tufts.

The Splash Laced Red Wyandotte still looks male.

I'm still not quite sure about the Blue Laced Red Wyandotte. I think the bird in the background of that photo is the same Legbar that is in the next photo?

I'm not sure whether that's a pure Legbar or a Legbar-mix, but either way she looks female. The black one behind her looks like an Easter Egger female to me (pea comb, mostly black with some light bits).

The other black one (last photo) may also be an Easter Egger female (looks like a pea comb, and I don't know of any pure breed with that color & body shape plus a pea comb.)

Easter Eggers can come in any color, and often have pea combs. If they are not Easter Eggers, I think the ones with pea combs are random mixes of breeds that happen to have pea combs. For any females among those, you will know they are Easter Eggers if they lay blue or green eggs.
Here’s an update! 2 for sure are Roos. Pictures 1-2. Legbar is a hen, picture 3. Still unsure about #4- yellow. #5- black ameraucana. #6- black EE ( not sure if anyone can tell without tail feathers, they’re being plucked by the legbar)


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Here’s another picture of this one’s comb, the one I posted isn’t great.


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