Roosters Pros and Cons

I loved my rooster.
Pro all the way

Had one rooster with only 4 hens and there was no trouble whatsoever.
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we found we had several roosters in our flock, by far our 3 faverole roosters are adorable. they bluster but when met with opposition they run away. yesterday they were strutting around the yard, a butterfly flew over them and they ducked and ran for cover. i also have a black sex-link that is a true gentleman, watching diligently over his girls. but i also have a california leghorn that is mean, he runs after the girls and pecks at them causing harm. he is separated from them in a run. he would challenge the little females and other males
If one of my hens were to hatch chicks that have been breed through one of my Roos and he were to breed with his chicks would that be ok or would it be like incest and bring out very bad traits and mess up the genetics?
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If one of my hens were to hatch chicks that have been breed through one of my Roos and he were to breed with his chicks would that be ok or would it be like incest and bring out very bad traits and mess up the genetics?
It's alright for 3-4 generations without new genetic stock being introduced, so it's not too big of a problem.
Thanks for your comment! We have the same kind of rooster; likes me, hates my husband!! He's a good rooster with regard to protecting his flock. That's great information about how to know if they're challenging you or accepting you. I'm hoping to replace him with a smaller fellow, and it's nice to know some thins to be aware of in looking for one. Our flock has been reduced by predators at times, so when we're on the smaller side (six right now), the poor hens are over-bred. I'm hoping a smaller, gentler rooster may help the situation. Thanks for sharing your wisdom!
Both of mine, will eat out of my hand. Though, both are "gentlemen" about it. They will stand back, and let their girls eat to their heart's content, before they join in. My RIR is the Beta (who wants to be the Alpha), and the Australorp is the Alpha. So, after the girls eat, then Black Roo eats, and when he's done, Red Roo, will come over to eat, sadly, alone. I need to build him a coop and run of his own, so that he can have his own harem.
I have 5 roosters with 9 hens....and they are great at alerting the hens to hawks etc. I keep 2 roosters in separate tractors for breeding purposes, but they still run with the flock. In the main pen, I have 3 roos...2 of which get the hens in the evening and nite, while the one younger RIR roo has to stay outside the run and coop. He gets the hens during the day when they free range.
Yes, we have had bad roosters too. They are currently in the freezer, awaiting their invitation to supper.

We also have 2 new hatches...15 birds. We know the cockerels will be processed in November when we know who is who. We also have a broody sitting on eggs...due to hatch Aug 12th, or something like that. Those cockerels will get processed next year. Probably in the spring. By then, we can re-evaluate the flock and see if anyone else needs to be replaced with the new cockerels.
we currently have 4 rooster and 40 hens and pullets and 8 chicks... One of the roosters is headed to freezer camp soon (just haven't had the time) .. we figured 3 roosters would be great and actually it is, they don't fight, there are enough of the ladies to go around and even when one gets to close to another's hen all that results is a chase off... BUT I made the decision last night that one of the other roosters is going to freezer camp... Our 6 month old Jersey Giant isn't going to make the cut... He is a big beautiful boy but I am not comfortable with the way he acts with me.. He hasn't attacked me yet but as any experienced chicken owner will say, you know its coming.. Our other roosters, Blue Orpington and Barred Rock stay about 10 feet away from me, If I walk through the run they move out of my way, they don't run up to me and we each know our place... The JG is far different, he follows right behind me, if I sit down on my stump to just watch everyone he comes within inches of me, he stands and watches me constantly.. I know the look, I can judge by his behavior that he is sizing me up and sizing up his chances against me. My husband at first didn't want to believe he would be anything but a big ol softy but I had him just stand back and watch and he agree's , JG acts different with me then anyone else, I have always made sure I am boss of the coop, no hand feeding, no coddling but this is the second time in a year that we have come across a roo that would like to challenge that authority. I am not a second chance kinda person and really with his size I don't want to even allow him that first chance.

So 2 roosters with 40 hens... We shall see if they can cover all the girls
until one of the other chicks reaches maturity.
he attacked you wife and drew blood but since he was still okay with you you let it go? If that had of been me and I didn't personally take care of him he would have been done for when my husband got home

he attacked her when she went into the run to give them some food, after that she just didn't go into the run anymore and she was ok with us still keeping him. If they were out FR'ing he did not bother her. I do most of the "chicken care" and she really did not like going in the run anyway due to the possibility of stepping in something. So it was not that big an issue with her.
But once he started messing with me that was it as I need to go in the run often for food or cleaning and I'm not going to put up with that from a FREE roo. There's too many on CL to deal with that.

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