Roosters protect their eardrums from their own crowing


Aug 15, 2016
Hi all,
Hope all your brood are doing well in the New Year. There’s a fascinating piece in Discover discussing how a rooster’s own crow is muffled by the process of opening its mouth.

Sharing it here because I’m sure some of you are wondering whether their rooster is loud enough to deafen themselves or others. Tl;dr version: Your hens are safe as long as the rooster isn’t crowing directly into their faces.
Hi all,
Hope all your brood are doing well in the New Year. There’s a fascinating piece in Discover discussing how a rooster’s own crow is muffled by the process of opening its mouth.

Sharing it here because I’m sure some of you are wondering whether their rooster is loud enough to deafen themselves or others. Tl;dr version: Your hens are safe as long as the rooster isn’t crowing directly into their faces.
Chickens can regrow hearing cells, so they are never 'deaf'. Their ability to do this is of great interest for hearing in humans - maybe in the future we will be able to regrow the hearing cells we lose :)

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