

Feb 26, 2023
So I have suspected these two partridge chantelcers were roosters for a little bit now, mostly due to them being a lot taller than the others and they seem to always be trying to boss everyone around. First two pictures are the smaller one who I’m not 100% on yet the 3rd picture is both of them (biggest one is in the back) and 4th/5th pictures are the biggest one the red on his back caught my eye last night because i thought it was blood and it is a very gorgeous bright red saddle feather. My main concern is what signs to look for as far as them being aggressive before they get big enough to actually do any damage to anyone? I recently culled 3 roosters because of them being aggressive because i have a 2 year old that loves to help with farm chores and his safety is my #1 priority. Are there things i could do to keep them from becoming aggressive? Would rehoming one of them before they have a chance to become aggressive make it less likely for the one I keep to be aggressive in the future? I currently have 6 grown laying hens and the 19 chicks with all but these two boys I’m fairly certain are pullets.

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