roosting in the box

Ricks Chicks

11 Years
Jul 31, 2008
Leicester, Massachusetts
I have 8 new chicks that are now 9 weeks old. I introdused them to my other 4 hens at 5 weeks old. they have been cohabitating in the coop and run for 3 weeks now and the chicks all roost in the nest boxes. I have three and the older hens only use one , the babies have commondered the other two. I shoe them out but they come right back. What should I do. Will they eventualy know that the box is for eggs? there is a plastic egg in there with them.

You could try blocking off the two boxes the little ones are using. You could try making them a separate roost if you have space. You could also block off all 3 nest boxes at night and open them in the morning.

I expect you will have to teach them the box is not for sleep.
I have seven hens and a rooster, now all a year old and my "bottom of the pecking order" RIR has been unceremoniously pushed off the roost and sleeps in the nest box every night (despite another roost going totally unused).

The funny thing is that even though she sleeps in there EVERY night, there is never any poop in there. It's as if she respects it as the nest box and laying area and is not spoiling it.

I've stopped worrying about it, to tell you the truth.

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