Roosting on a roo...


7 Years
May 7, 2012
Queensland, Australia
Went down to the coop to put the dogs away (we keep the dog kennels near to the coop, to help prevent foxes from coming near), and watched one of the hens jump up on the roo's back as there was no spot on the roost (he was sitting comfortably on the perch). She kind of sat there for a few minutes, then the rooster stood up and suddenly there is an explosion of feathers from all the chooks as both of these two fall off the roost.

So funny to watch, haha.

Anyway, made me think, has anyone ever had a hen roost on another for the night?
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They surely do some funny things and especially when it's a pecking order thing or time for bed! Sometimes I know I'm just nuts, but I could watch some of their crazy antics for hours.
Haha they sure do! It is funny. Sometimes quite violent though, but funny nevertheless.

And I agree, I just sit in the garden sometimes and eyeball them. If only they had such thing as a "stalker detector" instinct, it would have bells ringing all the time lol

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