roosting pits


12 Years
Mar 14, 2007
I am building a new coop and I'd like to include roosting pits to keep it cleaner. My plan is to make a frame with stretched wire over it and have this under my roosts. I'd put plastic totes in the frame and have a door on the outside of the coop to slide them out for easy cleaning. would this work and has anyone ever done this? Pictures help so if anyone has a good design please share!
yep, when i built mine, i put a 4'X8' lifting door that opens to the outside, i can lift the door and have access to the ground under the roost pit. Didn't use any wire, just keep grass cutting and hay under there, bet organic mix there is to be found. Then I pull the Kobota right up to it, shovel the droppings and decomposed clippings in the bucket on the Kobota and drive to the garden.

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