

10 Years
Jun 19, 2009
North of Dallas, TX
Okay, I'm new to this thing and have a coop that is 8x12 - lots of room I think - and they wont roost anywhere but on top of the boxes which is flat. Should I worry about this? They stay huddled in about 3 different piles. I have 26 birds that are between 20 and 28 weeks.
Sometimes it takes a bit for the instinct to use a roost kicks in. My DH built a very nice roost, but when the hens were first released into the henhouse, they would only sleep UNDER the roost. Now some of them use the roost, some of them use the bar across the top of the nest, some of them like to be way up high and use the inner supports that run along the top of the walls. I even have one that uses the top of the door. Not good when you are checking on them at night - really rates a shower right away!

You can see some of the sleeping areas in the pic of my henhouse. No laughing, now. We built it totally from scrap material - only bought the screws and nails. Not all of the lumber was nice and straight!

What are you using for roosts? Chickens prefer not to grasp with their feet all night long, as they have to do with a round roost. Instead they prefer to use their feet to gain balance on the roost and then release their grasp and rest on their keel bone. It's better for their feet in the long run too.
I use 2 x 4s set with the "4" side up. Once everybody is settled, they release their grasp and ease down to rest on their keel bone. This helps keep their feet warmer at night too.
I have 2x4's but turned the short way I guess, but the top of the nesting boxes are flat and about 8" wide and they run along the back of the coop up about 3 feet I am guessing. So it's 12 feet long. They do seem to snug down and lay flat with their legs tucked under them. My neighbor has been telling me that if they can roost with their feet that they will become "flat footed" have problems!
I have a flat footed DH, but no flat footed chickens.
Sounds like yours have decided that they like the top of the nestboxes better. If the boxes are covered ones, not really a big deal, but on open nestboxes it makes a mess.
I have covered boxes now, but when I didn't I took the time to go out after dark and move (some of) them to the roosts each night. You could try turning your roosts wider side up and see if that makes them more comfortable for them to roost on.
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