

In the Brooder
7 Years
Apr 22, 2012
I've used the search feature with no luck.

All of a sudden all of our chickens want to lay on the coop floor instead of roosting. I'm not too worried about it, just curious about it. No other weird behaviors besides they come out of the coop in the middle of the night for no reason.
If the roost is narrow, they may be uncomfortable. But coming out of the cop at night makes me wonder of something else is in there. There is a type of mite or lice that lives on the underside of roosts and gets on the hens at night. If you haven't, maybe checking for lice/mites will help.
I treated for mites about a month ago and got rid of all of them. They have always roosted andit just confuses me why they stopped now. I'm going to go do a complete inspection before the day is over. This bugs me.

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