Rose growers thread!

Thank you
I posted that for the information as well as to.. well, show off some I guess
I inherited her house and LOVE LOVE LOVE the yard. Some of her roses succumbed to my careless attitude but IMO they should be tough, that's what old roses are grown for. In truth, it was the hybrid teas that left us. And one polyantha that I just HATED. Oh and a nasty invasive climber. But the rest are blooming their leaves off.

Edit - rather than make a new post, I thought I'd add to this one. There is a huge climber on the back fence. It's yellow and I cannot for the LIFE of me remember what it is. It's not Mermaid but it is yellow and has single flowers. It only blooms once a year and cannot be killed. My neighbors back there run a business out of their house and have workers that hang back there sometimes. I hate this lack of privacy as this is only a 4' "hurricane" fence. Rose to the Rescue. I pruned the devil out of that rose and am in the process of training it to the fence to make a screen. After only a few weeks it's already shaping up hahaha. I've trimmed the trees around it to give it more light and judging from the way this thing grew before, it should fill in and make a horribly thorny, nasty "don't touch me" screening in next to no time. Before, it was growing all the way up to the tops of the trees around it and even bridging gaps between trees. So basically I'm bringing it back down closer to the ground and running it along and above the fence.

Oh I love these old roses. This thing has been there for almost 20 years and still is vigorous as it can be.
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Queen Elizabeth is another of the ones I love, but alas it's one of those that I will kill. I'll have to look up the Edens, I don't remember those.
Rosa Mundi all the way! I have both and they are side by side. FP NEVER bloomed in 3 yrs, but Rosa is better and better every year.
The Rose Emporium is not to far from us. We love to go walk around there. When we started going there the roses were $4.95 last year I think they were $15. But they are worth it good healthy plants. cant wait for our spring ride over there

Roses are blooming again! Just a few of mine have, here are my two favorites. This is only their second year in their new home, next year they should be amazing. Someone once told me it takes 3 years for roses to take off. Year one, sleep. Year two, creep, year three, leap!
Abraham Darby bush

Abraham Darby bloom

Gertrude Jekyll bloom

The chickens pretty much leave the bushes alone, but they loved to dig in the soil under the bushes, so I put up little garden fences around the bushes to keep them from digging there. So far it's worked!
those are beautiful! I have a much better idea now of what abraham darby looks like, its been on my want list
I need to go out and take pics too!
AD has been very hardy. It grew to 7 feet (tied up on a trellis) here in central NC where I live and when I moved I took it with me. I had to cut it back to nothing to do that, and in it's second year it's doing very well. The smell is incredible! Every time I open the door on the deck I can smell it. My favorite!

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