Rotten Eggs!!

Critter Crazy

12 Years
Apr 19, 2007
Binghamton, NY
Ewwww.....I went in the coop yesterday, and it being so hot out(over 90), it smelled bad. So I cleaned out the coop. Today I went in the coop and noticed it still smelled! I was confused
, till I checked on my broody hen, whose eggs were due to hatch today! As soon as I lfted the hen, I wanted to vomit! The smell was horrendous! I have no clue what went wrong with this batch, but boy was it gross!! There was even maggots on the eggs:eek:, which were still whole, none had broken open. I obviously had to toss the eggs out, but not before one decided to Burst in my Hand!!EWWWWWWWWW........I cannot get the smell to go away!!

The last time I had checked them, they were all fine, growing properly. I am bummed! So is moma, she is lost without her eggs! she is sitting in an empty nest box!
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I did check her all over, and she seems fine. I was concerned about the maggots, cause I thought she had hurt herself, but she has no wounds or anthing.
Im not too suprised, one egg can go rotten, the maggots could be laid in the bedding surrounding her, ecspecially if it got moist at all. It was probably just one egg out of the bunch, thats all it takes. As long as one hadnt burst (which it seemed to have when you were cleaning ) you could have removed the bad one (if you could have figured which one it was) and go forward with the hatch. At least, IMO, that is what I have done once in the past.

Oh yeah--the smell, it takes a long time to go away. The time I had it in the incubator, I actually had to replace the sponmges and what not because I couldnt get the smell away.
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Well I understand why the maggots were there, when my duck was laying I checked on her and when she lifted the smell was horrible i can't even describe it anyway they were black and their were flys EVERYWHERE and when their is a smell their is a fly gonna lay eggs. I'm just glad i got them out before they exploded. The smell is like parvo you'll NEVER forget it once you smell it. Matter of fact you probably had a couple really porus eggs that were seaping, i've had this happen with my pekin she always layed extremely porus leaky eggs, they are sticky to the touch.
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